Welcome To My Best Home Kitchen!

My Home Kitchen     Thanks for stopping by my cooking site! I love to cook but it took me a while to get started, I needed a lot of help! That's why I started this site, I wanted to share the advice and tips that friends and family gave me when I needed help. My family had to suffer through some horrible meals until I figured out what I needed to do. Hopefully you will find some great ideas and recipes that will make your life in the kitchen better.     I have purchased quite a few kitchen tools and appliances over the years and I will try and share the good with the bad with you. Some of the small appliances are still in use, some were tossed after a short time. I also have a section of some of my favorite recipes. I collected some from my mom, my grandmother, a few assorted cookbooks and other place. Who knows, maybe one will become one of your family's favorites! Please send me any recipes that you really like, I will be happy to post them!
